BLOX 2.0 'Anniversary Special' Affiliate Page

Join Us To Celebrate Our 6 Months BLOX 2.0 Anniversary. And Help... 

Even More People Make Money Online.

Help Yourself To As Much As: $230.80 Per Customer... At The Same Time.

  Plus $1000 In New Contest Prizes

BLOX 2.0 Anniversary Special: NOVEMBER 27th

*This page includes income / revenue examples & claims, which we can show and state because BLOX works, we use it, and everything on this page is real! *All Income stated on this page is 100% derived from BLOX systems. *All results shown are genuine, proven and in many cases corroborated.

Totally Unique  |  Fully Tested  |  Genuinely Proven  |  Already Profitable  |  6 Months Track Record

Launch Details

  Launch Date: November 27th

  Time: 11am US Eastern

  End Date: December 4th

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

New Affiliates: If you are a new affiliate please click the following button first.

Users & Affiliates Agree... BLOX Works & Sells

See video feedback from product owners further down this page.

View a handful of our results using BLOX

View our YouTube channel to see a lot more.

If you didn't promote BLOX in May & you're not sure what it is, or what it does here's the details.

About BLOX 2.0

Is your audience 

Serious about making extra money online?

If your audience is serious about making extra money online, we believe BLOX 2.0 is the perfect solution ‘regardless of their current skill level, E.G. beginners CAN genuinely use BLOX & get results…
We’ve proven everything we state, claim & share (details below).
And we now have a solid 6 months track record.
Promoting BLOX 2.0 means:
You’ll be promoting something that 100% works, provides REAL value, is always fully supported, sells & continues to sell: 
So... If you like promoting ‘Evergreen’ products which are 100% complete, genuine, I.E. they do what they claim to doAnd sell faster than a dog with a bone... BLOX 2.0 won’t disappoint…
BLOX 2.0 is a very real, fully tested, totally unique, and complete affiliate system… The system is based on over 5 years of use. The BLOX 2.0 product has a 6 month track record, and comes with $1000s in corroborated (publicly verified) proof which we'll show you, as well as all prospective customers before they purchase.

And It’s Unique: Nothing else works like BLOX…

I.e. With BLOX 2.0 we can (and do) generate affiliate income (commission) from digital products without actually promoting the products we make money from… Even product vendors agree (see below).

With BLOX we get paid affiliate commission from products we DON'T promote!

Yes, we still sell those products, but we don’t actually promote them, and we have the results to prove it works…
In fact... everything we provide with BLOX is based on what we do ourselves, and actual PROVEN results (much of which we’ve publicly shared).

Nobody else uses or teaches this process… yet it’s a process and system anyone can use, and get results with, over and over again… Even complete beginners can and do use BLOX (see below).

Can Beginners Use BLOX?

Yes they can... We know that more and more people are looking for ways to make extra money online, and we know that a lot of those people are going to be complete beginners.
  • So they won’t have any special skills
  • They probably won’t have any tech ability
  • Most won’t have an email list.
  • They might not have a lot of time.
  • And in most cases… they won't have a lot of spare cash either.
So we created, 2 BLOX systems with beginners in mind:
  • BLOX Split Pitch System (Included with BLOX FE)
  • BLOX Free Instruction System (Included with BLOX FE, as a Launch week bonus; details below)
Both of these systems are fully tested… we use them ourselves & we’ve proven they work (with corroborated income / results / see video below)
Example: As shown on BLOX 2.0 Sales Page

$656.92 In 7 Days

Product: Untapped Traffic
Vendor: Steve Mellor
Number of BLOX Pitch Systems used: 2
In total we’ve made $711.81 targeting ‘Untapped Traffic’ using 2 BLOX systems.

Both systems used were created specifically for complete beginners, one of which is the BLOX Split Pitch System.
$252.04 using BLOX Split Pitch System (Included in BLOX 2.0). The following pop-up video is taken from the BLOX 2.0 sales page.

BLOX 2.0 customers also receive our

Free Instruction System’ Bonus

BLOX Free Instruction System is a BLOX system which complete beginners can use on the very same day they access BLOX 2.0. This bonus alone is better than a lot of paid products.
When you promote BLOX 2.0 throughout our Anniversary Special launch week you’ll want to factor our ‘Free Instruction System’ bonus into your promotion because…
 This isn’t another naff, pointless bonus… ‘BLOX Free Instruction System’ is a working system which we’ve proven makes $100s in commission.

E.G. We used it to make:

$273.48 In 2 Days 

Note: Potential customers will be able to view the following video on the BLOX 2.0 sales page.

Video details:
Video shows actual results totalling $656.92 over 7 days using / including:

$273.48 in 2 days, $292.64 total using BLOX free instructions (Which is our launch week bonus).

$252.04 using BLOX Split Pitch System (Included in BLOX 2.0).

Results shared publicly for corroboration. 
Both systems were created for complete beginners to be able to use.
Note: Both of these systems 'Split Pitch' & The Free Instruction System' as well as all other BLOX systems are fully tested… we use them ourselves, we’ve proven they work (with corroborated income / results), and we provide / display proof throughout BLOX sales pages so all potential customers can see our REAL results, and REAL proof, before they make a decision on whether to purchase.

BLOX 2.0 Funnel

Everything in the BLOX 2.0 funnel is there to add value & help the customer. If it didn’t add value or help the customer… it wouldn’t be in the funnel.

BLOX 2.0

Customers receive instant access to their own BLOX 2.0 account (web based access / SAAS), consisting of:
  • The complete ‘Tested & Proven’ BLOX 2.0 system.
  • Video & documented step by step instructions (created by us & not outsourced)
  • Blox core (step by step instructions).
  • Multiple Blox Pitch Systems (step by step instructions).
  • Instructions: Using Pitch Systems to get prospects into the BLOX system.
  • Split Pitch System (Created for beginners, tested & proven).
  • How we use BLOX to target and make money from other peoples digital products without promoting them.
  • Blox Quick Start (step by step instructions)
  • Option to have everything created for them & ready to use.
  • Working examples, case studies, and actual results showing verified income.
  • Plus: Bonus: BLOX Free instruction system, including verified results...
Summery: BLOX 2.0 (Front end) includes:
Everything, any customer will ever need to enable them to copy, and do exactly what we do… with nothing left out.
The FE requires the customer to follow the instructions and create their own BLOX systems, but we provide all customers with the option to skip the whole creation process (95% of the work) and start in literally minutes using BLOX RMS... 60% upgrade to RMS (details below).
There is a downsell to the FE, but rather than being the complete FE with a discount, it is a $7 basic / trial version which gives the customer an outline, breakdown & insight into the BLOX system, and then gives the customer the ability to upgrade to the full system with a $7 discount. The downsell, basic version does not link to any upgrades.
    Price: $23.00 
    Case Study Bump Offer: $9
All front end products are one time payment options (non recurring), and pay 50% commission on referred sales.

BLOX Income Maximiser

This is an optional upgrade and not a one time offer, as such a customer can choose to upgrade during their initial purchase of BLOX or at any time in the future from inside their BLOX 2.0 account.
BLOX Income Maximiser offers customers the potential to make more with BLOX with little to no additional work.
Consisting of:
Blox Evergreen Reverse System
  • Additional add-on evergreen BLOX system including $894.69 proof from one of our working systems.
  • The criteria we use to determine whether to set up The BLOX Evergreen Reverse System for a product, or not.
  • How we create Blox Evergreen Reverse systems that pay us on an ongoing, evergreen ‘Passive’ basis.
  • Verifiable proof, I.E. the actual product we targeted in our $894.69 example, and the results, so customers can see (and check) this works before they start.
The Multiple Offer System: which enables us to target and make money from multiple offers at the exact same time. Includes: The $265.80 Multiple offer case study.

The Guaranteed approval process, which even works for complete beginners who have zero sales stats.
And... we show customers how it's possible to receive 30 - 50% more from every sale they make using BLOX without doing any additional work.
    Price: $37.00 
    No Offer Bump | No Downsell
This product is a one time payment option (non recurring), and pays 50% commission on referred sales.


60% Of All BLOX Customers Choose To Add RMS

Click the video below to see why RMS has quickly become a 'Must Have'

RMS is an optional recurring payment upgrade but not a one time offer, as such a customer can choose to upgrade during their initial purchase of BLOX or at any time in the future from inside their BLOX 2.0 account. 60% of all BLOX customers choose this option because it takes most of the work out of the system, it's proven, easy to use... and it works. As an affiliate you'll receive recurring commission for the life of the customers subscription.

Click the video for the full explainer.

BLOX RMS is the ultimate addition to the BLOX 2.0 system because opting for this upgrade genuinely removes all the system creation and enables customers to start using BLOX in literally minutes... even if they are a complete beginner.
RMS is an abbreviation of Ready Made Systems… and that’s exactly what BLOX RMS customers get access to.
But our ready made systems are no ordinary systems… each one is already fully tested, and has already made 1000s in commission.
We share corroborated proof of results on the RMS upgrade / sales page for all customers to view. 
Each system can be used in default mode (as they are) or rebranded with a few user inputs, and a few clicks… all in around 2 minutes (Genuinely).
Example: as shown on the RMS sales page

Default Branding

This video (on your right) is included on the BLOX RMS sales page, and shows prospective RMS customers how to use one of our BLOX Ready Made Systems with 'Default Branding' in minutes.
One system can be used to target multiple digital products by simply changing the details in step 3 of the wizard. 
Click the video play icon to watch
Example: as shown on the RMS sales page

Re Branding a System

This video is also included on the BLOX RMS sales page, and shows prospective RMS customers how to re-brand an entire system with just a couple of user inputs and a few clicks. 
Each system can be changed as often as the user likes to make our BLOX systems look unique to them. 
Click the video play icon to watch
All BLOX products and features are fully supported.
BLOX RMS Consists of:
  • Pre-built & rebrandable: BLOX Magnets
  • Pre-built & rebrandable:Magnet access pages
  • Embedded Access page videos
  • Pre-built & rebrandable: Flip pages
  • Flip page target product editing (unlimited)
  • Pre-built & rebrandable: Account creation pages
  • Pre-built & rebrandable: Account creation thank you pages
  • Copy & Paste links
  • Copy & Paste fully formatted delivery email
  • 6 pre-built & rebrandable: pitch systems (including Split Pitch)
  • Default branding (use as they are)
  • Step 1 ‘rebrand everything’ option (change name, & look etc)
  • Autoresponder integration
  • System by system list integration
  • Edit systems as often as you wish (unlimited)
  • Everything hosted
  • Guaranteed approval to target / promote BLOX
  • Full video instructions for everything
  • Full instant access
  • Customer can use as often as they wish, no limits
Summery: BLOX 2.0 RMS includes:
Complete, fully tested BLOX ready made systems, which we've already proven make money for us, and for others (see below). We've also included $1000s in corroborated proof on the RMS sales page for prospective customers to view. All RMS users can use any of our systems in default mode, or they can change the name and look of the entire system with just a few clicks (as shown in the video above).
Following testimonials are specific to BLOX RMS

Mike McKay

Amazing... $485.56 With BLOX Yesterday!

This has definitely got me excited, explosive from the outset… Amazing… $485.56 with BLOX yesterday, not too shabby🙂. 1000% positive… Thanks so much
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

Bobby Dolcee

$83.97 Using BLOX For The First Time!

I made 12 sales (totalling $83.97) using BLOX 2.0… It works!
 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.
BLOX RMS removes all of the creation tasks, thus removing 95% of the work. Our RMS systems are also suitable for beginners & include ready made Split-Pitch systems.
BLOX RMS is offered as 3 main options, and 1 downsell option all of which are accessed through a recurring subscription payment.


Includes: 2 Complete BLOX Systems

$27 Per Month

Additional RMS Bump

Includes: 1 Complete BLOX Systems

$17 One time payment

BLOX RMS: Premium

Includes: 4 Complete BLOX Systems

$37 Per Month

Additional RMS Bump

Includes: 1 Complete BLOX Systems

$17 One time payment

BLOX RMS: Premium P.Y

Includes: 4 Complete BLOX Systems

$297 Per Year ($147 per year saving)

Additional RMS Bump

Includes: 1 Complete BLOX Systems

$17 One time payment

BLOX RMS Starter Pack (DS)

Includes: 1 Complete BLOX System

$17 Per Month

Additional RMS Bump N/A



All customers have the ability to upgrade / downgrade their subscription, or start an RMS subscription for the first time from inside their BLOX 2.0 account at any point.
RE: Additional RMS Bump - $17
BLOX RMS customers can also choose to add 1 additional BLOX Ready Made System to their RMS account when they start an RMS subscription for an additional $17 one off payment (order bump). The additional RMS system remains accessible & usable while the customer has an active RMS subscription (not DS). The bump offer is not available with the DS starter option.
All RMS products, apart from the offer bump are recurring payment options, recurring on either a monthly, or yearly basis, and pay 30% recurring commission on referred sales for the life of the customers subscription.


This is an optional upgrade and not a one time offer, as such a customer can choose to upgrade during their initial purchase of BLOX or at any time in the future from inside their BLOX 2.0 account.
LID is an abbreviation for List In Days which is what customers can achieve with this optional upgrade when they implement one of the two included (tested & proven) systems.

    System 1: Lead 2 Asset System

    System 2: Free Offer System

BLOX isn’t a system which is specific to, or only works with an email list. But the email pitch system (included with BLOX) is one of the quickest ways to get results. As such this option gives all users the ability to create a subscriber list in days to use with the BLOX email pitch system if they wish.
Systems / upgrade consists of:
  • Full Lead 2 Asset System (L2A)
  • Full L2A step by step video instructions
  • How we get lots of subscribers to pay us when they join our list.
  • Full L2A case study from scratch
  • Full Free Offer System (FOS)
  • Full FOS step by step video instructions
  • How we get lots of subscribers to pay us when they join our list.
  • Full FOS case study from scratch
  • $0.00200 per/click Instant traffic source (E.G $5 for 2500 views)
    Price: $47.00 
    No Offer Bump | No Downsell
This product is a one time payment option (non recurring), and pays 50% commission on referred sales.

BLOX Agency

This is an optional upgrade and not a one time offer, as such a customer can choose to upgrade during their initial purchase of BLOX or at any time in the future from inside their BLOX 2.0 account.
BLOX agency is essentially a reseller package, however because the customer already has BLOX, plugging BLOX Agency into their own systems, or our Ready Made Systems means; 
The customer always has a product to target, with guaranteed approval and 30% more commission paid on everything.
  • Guaranteed Approval to promote BLOX 2.0.
  • Automatic approval to promote / make money from all BLOX funnel products
  • Automatically applied higher commission rates I.e. 80% on 1 time payment product (instead of 50%) & 60% on all recurring products (instead of 30%)
  • Zero limits, time frames, caps - Agency customers can continue to target & profit from BLOX for as long as they wish.
  • Zero re-bills, or payments.
  • Instructions on integrating your agency link into BLOX
  • Use with the BLOX 2.0 System… Either a system created by the customer, or with BLOX Ready Made Systems (RMS).
    Price: $147 
    No Offer Bump | No Downsell
Value driven & highly congruent.
We’ve created the BLOX 2.0 funnel to be:
1. Highly congruent
2. Add maximum value to the customer's experience.
Everything in the BLOX 2.0 funnel is there to add value & to help the customer, If it didn’t add value or help the customer… it wouldn’t be in the funnel. 

And while a customer may choose not to add an upgrade during their initial purchase of BLOX 2.0, as soon as they start using BLOX, many will instantly see the benefit in having access to our upgrades… And, should they ever want a specific upgrade, all they have to do is click the button in their account. 

And if or when they do add additional upgrades, those sales also pay commission to our affiliates.
All front end products are one time payment options (non recurring), and pay 50% commission on referred sales.

We use it  |  We’ve proven it  |  We Support It  |  We make money with it  |  BLOX now has a 6 Month Track Record

If you like promoting systems which are genuinely proven… You’ve found one. 

If you want to recommend a system which genuinely helps… Recommend BLOX 2.0

  BLOX 2.0 Anniversary Special Date: Nov 27th

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

$1000 Anniversary Contest:

Starts @11:01am (US est) on Monday 15th and ends on Thursday 18th @11pm (US est)

Contest Prizes: 1st Prize: $600.  2nd Prize: $300.  3rd Prize: $100. 

Requirements: Affiliates need to earn equal to, or more than the prize amount in affiliate commission in order to qualify for the full stated prize amount. Affiliates who qualify for a top 3 position, but fail to meet the minimum required total (commission earned) will receive a pro-rata prize payout.

Tools & Swipes

Including 'Hard-Coded Link & Link Brandable Giveaway PDF.
Please disregard pre-launch details on tools page. 
NEW swipes added specific to 6 Month Anniversary.

Testimonials / Feedback

I finally feel ready to start making serious money online

Robert Scheer

After completing all the BLOX 2.0 training, I finally feel ready to start making serious money online using a new system that will make my offers stand out from what most MMO and IM affiliates are doing.

Whether you're an experienced Internet Marketing veteran or a total virgin, Mark Bishop gives you access to all the steps you need to follow to make BLOX 2.0 earn you profits.

The two lessons on how to get free and dirt-cheap traffic using social media are worth the price of the whole program even if you don't set up a full system, but you'd be crazy not to take full advantage of BLOX 2.0.

What I especially appreciated was how Mark emphasizes the need to provide your customers with good, honest value for their money. Sadly, the MMO field has a few scam artists, and I'm relieved to see that the folks behind BLOX 2.0 are reputable folks who I can be proud to have my name associated with.

I already have all the tools I need to make my own elements from scratch, and I've now started setting them up. But it's good to know that if I need help, or don't have time to work independently, I can access professional quality components that are done for me and have been proven to work.

Robert Scheer

 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

GENIUS!! Just About Fool Proof To Make Money

Renise Smith

Mark you are a GENIUS!! FINALLY a system that I can be VERY CONFIDENT in that I can succeed with this! I love this system and how you made it just about fool proof to make money. 

Renise Smith

 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.
 Robert also purchased, and used the original version of BLOX (BLOX 1.0) released in 2018, and made his first sale hours after implementing the system.
Screenshot taken from Facebook group post; dated September 30 2018 & relates to BLOX 1.0 (Not BLOX 2.0)

Big Help, Big Time Saver

Joey Velasco

Thank you for creating the Blox system. This will be a big help…

Promoting only the Blox Magnet through different channels and not having to create promotional pieces for every affiliate product to promote will be a big time-saver. 

Joey Velasco

 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

simple, evergreen, and ethical - it works!

Sandy Walsh

If you have decided that you want to do affiliate marketing to make money online, you can find lots of training all over the internet, but I have not seen anyone teaching the method used in Blox 2.0.

This is a new approach that is simple, evergreen, and ethical - it works!

Like in all of Mark Bishop’s trainings, it is very complete with videos and pdf’s explaining every step you need to take. If you are a total beginner or a seasoned marketer you will be able to use this system.

For seasoned marketers – you probably have all the tools and resources you need to set up this innovative system yourself very quickly.

For the total beginner – there is an option to help you get started very quickly without having to buy any extra tools and spend many, many hours/days learning to use them.

He even includes different, easy-to-implement, methods to get your system in front of people who will be interested, this will get you clicks 😊 make sales.

Sandy Walsh

 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

other IMers should take note, this is how a course should be!

Dave Ball

Once you see Mark's name is associated with a product, you can be assured that it is going to be of extremely high quality and more importantly not another shiny object.

I have found that Marks courses/programs offer huge value for money. Additionally, the programs work once you take the recommended action.

BLOX 2.0 is no different. It is a business in a box. No stone has been left unturned in giving a program that not only over delivers but I am 100% certain that if you take the appropriate action that you will make money.

The training is second to none. It is so informative and other IMers should take note, this is how a course should be delivered. Also this is very important in my opinion and it sets the tone for the course on how professional it is.

This system was developed in 2017, 6 years on it is 100 times better. The original was a huge success and this will be no different.

The training is very comprehensive and covers all details of what you will have to do to create an offer and start making money online. If you follow all the instructions, I have no doubt that you will start seeing a passive income every week.

If you are looking for a business in a box, this one is for you for sure. The training is superb as is the delivery. I envisage this getting a lot of 5-star reviews.

Dave Ball

 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.

An Outstanding Job

Jeffrey Stratton

Mark does an outstanding job presenting his training. He is very clear and concise about what he is teaching us in the video training…

In my opinion, BLOX 2.0 is an evergreen product that I will be using myself. 

Jeffrey Stratton

 All feedback, reviews, or testimonials (full or extracts) shown on this page are genuine. Original posts & messages are held on file for verification where/if required.
Even the owners of the some of the products we promoted with BLOX are impressed.

Testimonials / Feedback from product vendors.

Do we support others?

Yes we do, better still we nearly always use BLOX to support your launches, and we nearly always finish in the top 5 when we do as the screenshots below show. So if you're on our leaderboard and have a product that fits we'll go out of our way to support you.
Review access: Front end review access will be granted to established affiliates who are known to us upon request... I.e. open review access will not be available in the JV document, you will need to contact us.
BLOX 2.0 is a product by KleverSystems
Mark Bishop & John Merrick
Please contact either Mark or John for any details you may require which are not supplied or provided on this page.
JV Launch Document:

Affiliate Promotion Terms & Conditions

Please read the following affiliate terms before joining the BLOX 2.0 affiliate program.
You agree that you are NOT permitted to do the following things if/when approved as a BLOX 2.0 affiliate. By doing any of the following, you will be terminated from the program and agree that any commissions will be forfeited without recourse:

1. You must NOT use Spam.
2. You must NOT run "negative" campaigns (PPC or Organic) such as "Product name / author name scam" or any other negative style campaign which an ordinary person / prospective customer could deem to portray a negative view, or bad image of BLOX 2.0.
3. You CANNOT earn commission on your own purchase, I.e. you CAN’T buy through your own affiliate link. Any 'self' purchase commission may be nullified or held back.
4. Affiliates CANNOT create social media pages or accounts claiming to be official BLOX 2.0 pages, or accounts.
5. You may NOT give cash rebates as an incentive to purchase BLOX 2.0.
6. KleverSystems reserves the right to decline / terminate any affiliate’s link if found to be breaking any terms and / or using black-hat / brand damaging marketing practices to drive sales, or for any other reason.
7. These terms may change at any time without notice. (Please check back here regularly).

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