Affiliate Approval Denied?

How To Get Your Link Approved Today

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Why we declined you request & how to fix it.

If you're on this page, it may well be because we've had to decline your affiliate request. This could be for a variety of reasons, most likely it's simply because:
  • You are a new affiliate.
  • ​You don't yet have a proven track record, I.e. you have less than 100 sales.
  • ​You have a higher than 10% refund rate
  • ​You are new to Warrior Plus.
  • ​We don’t know you, we’re not connected.
  • ​Your 'Affiliate Score' is less than 65
We understand that it is difficult to build up your affiliate profile if you are being turned down for the best offers. But due to the recent increase of fraudulent transactions on affiliate platforms & networks, reluctantly we've had to implement a more stringent affiliate acceptance criteria.

But we can still get you approved…

The fact that we denied your request to promote our product doesn't have to be permanent or final, there are steps you can take to change things, and get approved quickly...

Do you have a track record with another affiliate platform?
If you can show us that you are a legitimate business / affiliate, with a proven track record on other platforms, e.g. perhaps you normally promote products on JVZoo, or ClickBank? Then please reach out to us with details, stats, profile etc, relating to other affiliate networks you use using the contact details below.

Do you have a genuine traffic source or audience?
If you can show us you have a genuine source of traffic such as an existing email list, blog, youtube channel or social media following, e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram etc - then please get in touch and share these details with us using the contact details below.

Brand New, but you have a plan?
If you’re brand new but have a solid plan or idea which you intend to use to promote our product, get in touch and tell us what your plan is…

High Refund Rate, or Low Affiliate Score?
If you currently have a low score (under 65), or a high refund rate (above 10%), please let us know what you think the reason for that is? I.E. perhaps it's attributed to a poor quality product which you promoted in good faith, and had no control over?... it happens.

Recommended approach…
Make us a quick video to introduce yourself and tell us how you intend to promote our product.

Most importantly, please do feel free to reach out to us, and let us know why we should reconsider and accept your request to promote our product. We want to be able to accept genuine affiliates, we simply need some way of being able to confirm that is you!


Mark Bishop & John Merrick

Contact details: When contacting us please remember to tell us your Warrior Plus ID (user name).
Please only re-apply after providing us with the relevant details as mentioned above
Affiliate Promotion Terms & Conditions
Please read the following affiliate terms before joining the our affiliate program.

You agree that you are NOT permitted to do the following things if/when approved as a KleverSystems affiliate. By doing any of the following, you will be terminated from the program and agree that any commissions will be forfeited without recourse:

1. You must NOT use Spam.
2. You must NOT run "negative" campaigns (PPC or Organic) such as "Product name / author name scam" or any other negative style campaign which an ordinary person / prospective customer could deem to portray a negative view, or bad image of our products.
3. You CANNOT earn commission on your own purchase, I.e. you CAN’T buy through your own affiliate link. Any 'self' purchase commission may be nullified or held back.
4. Affiliates CANNOT create social media pages or accounts claiming to be official 'Product Name' pages, or accounts.
5. You may NOT give cash rebates as an incentive to purchase our products.
6. KleverSystems reserves the right to decline / terminate any affiliate’s link if found to be breaking any terms and / or using black-hat / brand damaging marketing practices to drive sales, or for any other reason.
7. These terms may change at any time without notice. (Please check back here regularly).