RE: Instant approval: If you’re an established W+ affiliate with sales of over 100. Have refunds of under 10%, and a positive score on W+ you will be automatically approved, or guaranteed approval in most cases.
RE: New Affiliates / Beginners: If we don’t know you, and, or we aren't connected, and you don’t have the required minimum sales record as noted above you can STILL get guaranteed, instant approval by simply buying the front-end product ($9). Guaranteed approval is conditional on previous sales statistics, or on purchasing the FE ($9) if you do not currently have sales stats on Warrior Plus as an affiliate, i.e. as a new affiliate (no stats) you will only receive guaranteed affiliate approval if you become a customer ($9).
Guaranteed Approval: All buyers / customers receive guaranteed, instant approval regardless of current stats, as well as 90% commission for life on any sales of the front End & Upgrade 1.