MDA Traffic Affiliate Details Page

Affiliates... Bank Easily Today, Tomorrow & Everyday With...

MDA Traffic... GAAP & Case Study

Entry Level Cost - Massive Potential - High Impact 'No-Brainer' Upgrades: Including EPIS1-PLUS Automated Affiliate System - Plus Guaranteed Approval.

Evergreen Offer
  • Simple 'Newbie Friendly' System.
  • Built In Product To Promote (for New Affiliates)
  • Case Study Included.
  • ​Commission Magnet - Order Bump.
  • ​System Automation

Guaranteed Approval 

New Affiliates please read guaranteed approval details below. 

Click The Button For Your Link


MDA Traffic is an Evergreen product you can promote whenever you wish.

About MDA Traffic
MDA traffic is a simple ‘beginner friendly’ system which leverages third-party assets to appear quickly (normally *1-3 days) in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) without SEO, without cost, and with minimal effort (minutes). 

Which means, anyone can do this & get free targeted traffic.
* It may take longer to appear in google when an account is brand new.

My First Sale In Only 5 Days!

In just 7 days, my article hit the first page of Google, and I made my first sale in only 5 days!
Rhonda Hicks
Wait.... ‘Search Engine Results Pages’?
I know… That’s a long, and boring phrase which sounds like it involves a lot of work, doesn’t it?...

Don't Worry, That Isn’t The Case:
Let me simplify things, and say that this little loophole enables us (and those already using this trick) to 'sneak onto page 1 of Google' for targeted ‘buyer intent' phrases, and syphon that traffic away to any offer, page, product, or wherever we like (providing it’s in the IM / MMO niche).
A Full 'Easy To Implement' Step by Step System.
Including examples, a case study & a product for newbie affiliates to promote with the MDA system... All included with the FE

for a miniscule $9.00 

Products / Funnel:

MDA Traffic Funnel: Consists of Front end, Front end order bump & 5 optional upsells. 
Prices ranging from $9 - $497 

Order Bump

Commission Magnet

Price: $27 

A plug and play sales tool to make selling a sinch for beginners.

Upgrade 1

Video Training Expan

Price: $23 

Over the shoulder system set up & training, including walkthroughs & more.

Upgrade 2

Auto Review Builder

Price: $27 

Auto creates the content needed with Ai in seconds. Full video instructions incl.

Upgrade 3


Price: $44 

A fully automated affiliate system which doesn't require set up or an Autoresponder.

Upgrade 4

TZ Traffic Invite

Price: $12 

The traffic platform Lee used to turn $100 into $1,540.27 In 7 Days.

Upgrade 5

IMLA Formula

Price: $497 

Digital product marketing training, coaching grade, multiple in-depth modules.

Upgrade 5 (ds)

IMLA Formula SP

Price: $97 Per Month

The split pay option enables customers to spread the cost of IMLA over 3 months.
New Affiliates / Beginners: Please read guaranteed approval details below, before applying.

Earning Potential:

Our aim is to provide quality and value to our customers while at the same time enabling our affiliates, and customers who instantly become affiliates (if they want to) to make (and keep) as much affiliate commission as possible.
-  FE - 75%
-  Bump - 60% 
-  Upgrade 1 - 75%
-  Upgrade 2 - 50%
-  Upgrade 3 - 50%
-  Upgrade 4 - 50%
-  Upgrade 5 - 50%
Any affiliate who purchases the Front End will be automatically set to 90% commission on the FE and Upgrade 1 for life. (all other commission rates remain as standard).

Affiliate Approval... Please Read.

Everyone Is Welcome.

RE: Instant approval: If you’re an established W+ affiliate with sales of over 100. Have refunds of under 10%, and a positive score on W+ you will be automatically approved, or guaranteed approval in most cases.

RE: New Affiliates / Beginners: If we don’t know you, and, or we aren't connected, and you don’t have the required minimum sales record as noted above you can STILL get guaranteed, instant approval by simply buying the front-end product ($9). Guaranteed approval is conditional on previous sales statistics, or on purchasing the FE ($9) if you do not currently have sales stats on Warrior Plus as an affiliate, i.e. as a new affiliate (no stats) you will only receive guaranteed affiliate approval if you become a customer ($9).

Guaranteed Approval: All buyers / customers receive guaranteed, instant approval regardless of current stats, as well as 90% commission for life on any sales of the front End & Upgrade 1.
Note: We reserve the right to pause or terminate the affiliate link of any affiliate sending poor quality clicks. What constitutes poor quality clicks? E.G. 1000s of clicks which result in zero or an unrealistically low conversion rate
Note: MDA Traffic is an Evergreen product, and not a limited window product launch, as such you can promote whenever you wish.